Please come visit us at our office on Danbury Road in Wilton:

lotsofpics 029

Covid Alterations…are we done yet?!!

Once again it has been a year since I changed this main page as Covid continued to affect our lives and businesses with the introduction of new variants. The realty of this situation changing from pandemic to endemic is upon us and many have chosen to accept the risk of minor infections to regain our lives without masks and quarantines. Clearly, there is still risk for significant disease and many at-risk individuals will rightly continue to take a conservative approach to this issue.

I have taken a conservative approach up to now due to at-risk relatives, travel, friends with lingering cases, and the significant impact to our team if anyone is infected. However, I believe it is time to open our doors once again as we continue to provide excellent and personal care for your pets and their ocular issues. I truly appreciate the patience and respect those who have come our way have shown me and my staff during this time. I truly understand that taking your pet away from you, into an unfamiliar space with a doctor they, and you, have not met has been trying for many. Alas, I think our communications have tempered those fears and most have had a good experience. And truth be told, many of your pets are better behaved and calmer for the exam without you around!

So starting today, we will go back to business as normal (mostly!) allowing an individual to come in for the exam without a mask if willing. Feel free to wear a mask or ask me and the staff to if you are uncomfortable. And we can certainly bring your pet in while you relax in the car if you prefer. Clearly, stay in your car if you have any symptoms or risk so as to not infect the staff. Simply call from the parking lot once you arrive as prior. We will try to limit our time in the rooms which are small and have suboptimal air circulation to prevent viral infection.

Covid is not over, but we are adjusting to the changes as time moves forward. Hopefully, like the last time I wrote a similar note, we won’t regress back to a stricter protocol. Be well and see you soon!

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